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Snapshot 12


Everything has its place


            I’ve always been a neat person, or at least I think I have.  Now, more than ever, I am very attentive to where I put things.  Picture this:  I walk in the house.  Keys immediately go on the key rack, in the hall.  Check.  I put my purse down, taking out my cell and hanging my purse in the closet.  Check.  My hat goes up on the shelf in the closet, above my jacket which I hang up.  Double check.  I grab my cell phone and head upstairs to do some work.  I strategically place my cell phone on my desk, to the left of my laptop, so that I can easily remember where I put it in case it rings.  With everything in its proper place, I now can start my work.


            My short term memory is my biggest struggle that I deal with, to this day.  Remembering where I place things takes time.  The regular occurrence of putting a specific item, in a specific place makes that action, better yet that location; go into my long term memory.  The ritual of that action is then remembered, location included.  I become acclimated to doing things that specific way.  This makes that specific action or even habit exist in my long term memory.  Having the detail of this action “cross over” to my long term memory ensures that I will remember it later, better yet remember it tomorrow.


            Now, my life must take on an overall schedule, or sequence in events.  I understand that this is how I must do things, to help myself out.  I must make almost everything an intentional effort, on my part, to somewhat help me out. This type of routine can be an annoyance or a pestering habit that I take on, but it’s my life.  Some may even call this practice crazy or even a little O.C.D; but I call it:  living with a brain injury.

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